The silver lining of all of this for my family has been the extra time together! With this time, we have taken the opportunity to explore the outside beauty of our tri-city communities! We are a camping family that usually enjoys traveling to different campgrounds around Maine and New Hampshire each summer to explore what the area has to offer. We find joy in new scenery and time away from the normal hustle and bustle of life. This extended time of physical distancing has opened our eyes to the beauty and adventure that exists in our amazing little beach town and our neighboring towns!
I recently stumbled on the website and app, AllTrails, which allows you to search for walking and hiking trails in your local area. We found many of our favorite local spots but we were also surprised to find several new trails that even 2 life long locals knew nothing about! Below are just a few that popped up when I searched for the OOB, Saco and Biddeford areas. There are many more walks and hiking trail ideas and specific trail information available on AllTrails! Check it out for yourselves and let me know where your family's favorite place to walk or hike is!
Enjoy your next adventure!!
Mrs. Levesque PT